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I'm Back!

Hello!! I have been MIA blog wise for a long time!! But I am baaaccckkk!! So it has been crazy these past few months. In January we welcomed Dante Russell. Everyone has adjusted better than ever could have been imagined. We are getting into the groove of it all and I just wanted to share something I feel need to be said. First off I'm not perfect and neither are you. I am so sorry if I am the one who had to break this news to you. But you aren't and that is OK. Don't try to be perfect either it's exhausting and wouldn't you rather spend your energy on more fun stuff?? Secondly it's ok to fail. It means you are trying. You are doing. You are motivated. It's when you stop trying that you will need someone to come along and give you a lil kick in the pants. Like one of my favorite movie characters of all time said "Just keep swimming". We are all in this race of life and sometimes we are out front really rocking this whole adulting and paren...
Recent posts

Mom life

Hello!      So being pregnant with my 4th child and having a 7 month old at home and working full time I get people asking how I do it. Like it's an option? I just do it. If I didn't do it all then who would? Does anyone have little fairies that I don't know about? Lunches need to be made, homework needs to get done, diapers changed and bottles warmed. If I don't go food shopping or school shopping then my kids would go hungry and naked. There are times when I don't think I can do it. Especially when this lil guy is out in the world needing me just as much if not more than my other three. If I am at my max with washing, cleaning, bathing, feeding, taking each from place to place and back again now how will I do it? And just like always I will power through. Fueled by caffeine, sense of humor and the love of my children. That's what it's all about. There will be bad days I'm sure. I will feel like a failure or inadequate. I will cry. Also a side n...

A whole 2 hands! 👋👋

Hello! A decade ago I brought a very special girl into this world. Sophia is 10 today!! From the moment she came into this world, she has had her own set of rules and plans for herself. She has brought so many fun and amazing memories into our lives. She keeps me on my toes and humbles me constantly. She is often a mirror of who I was as a child and am as an adult. Isn't that just so annoying when you get upset with your child for acting just like you? She is my mini me from her crazy hair down to her goofy personality. She came into this world a mere 5lbs 12 oz. And she may of been a little peanut, her personality made up for that. She was feisty and had this little attitude that sometimes I forgot how old she was because she acted far older and wiser than her age. So this year is a whole 2 hands old. 2 digits. Where does the time go? There was a time she was just this little baby who was my koala and would be the happiest in my arms. To be honest she such a peanut still...

Goodbye summer... Hello school days!

This is the calm before the storm. This is the night before we are back to routines, homework, projects, school lunches, book fairs, fundraisers... it's the night before the first day of school. I was so excited to have school end last year. I worked part time so I'd have 2 extra days during the week with the kids over the summer. The excitement lasted for like a week. I am pretty sure David and Sophia woke up and had a meeting making sure that they would fight over the silliest things that woukd snowball into crying and yelling. They made sure that whatever we tried to do would be ruined by the constant tattling on each other, fighting over who would sit where and who would push the buttons. Let me just remind you because it does seem as if I am talking about toddlers but no my friends, they are 13 and almost 10. I think when puberty comes around they regress into toddlers again only to get upset and saddened over the same silly things that once bothered them as 2yr olds...

We're halfway there!

Hello! 20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go! Man this pregnancy is flying by. It seems like yesterday I shockingly saw those two lines just a few months after having Joseph. After quickly doing the math I realized I would be having another baby before my newborn turned 1. We went from a family of 4 and then less than 2 years later we would be a family of 6!! After the shock wore off I realized this would be my life of four kids, two of which are irish twins. If this baby is born less than 2 weeks before my due date they both could be born in 2017. I have embraced the crazy my life has already become. The sleepless nights that come with having a newborn have been rolled into the sleepless nights of restless legs and having to pee all the time. The tiredness of not sleeping is also the tiredness that comes with early pregnancy. If I'm nauseous that's ok because I didn't really have time to each much anyways. My wardrobe didn't change much because I was still wearing matern...

My Firstborn

Today marks my oldest child, David's, birthday. Today marks the day 13 years ago, I became a mother. He is who taught me how much love I was capable of feeling. He is the one who made me a mother and started me on this crazy journey into motherhood. It is crazy how one tiny human being can change you in so many ways and so deeply. And it's not just any birthday although every birthday is a special one but he is thirTEEN. Yes a teen. Like really? David is the one we got to experience all the firsts with. He was first born so every milestone was extra new and exciting, new uncharted territory. Including this one. I never thought he would be a teen, I mean logically yes I knew it would happen, but you never picture that little infant or toddler to ever be a teenager. David is definitely showing signs of being a teen. The boy who once just adored his parents is now suddenly embarrassed by us. He refuses to go anywhere with us that there is a slight chance he could see his fri...

6 months already!?

Hello! So something happened today. My little baby boy that I feel like just came home from the hospital is 6 months old. I'm not sure if our life is just crazier or because I'm already cooking the next one or what but this has gone by so very quickly. Joseph keeps us busy and on our toes. I feel like he came home already rolling over and wanting to just always be on the move. He is army crawling although he always starts out with good intentions on his knees. He loves sweet potatoes and bananas the most but overall is a great eater. He loves teething biscuits and just anything in his mouth. He has become very drooly so it's that waiting game where for what seems like months you think your child is getting a tooth. With my older two it felt like they came out teething only to wait months upon months of blaming everything on them teething to actually maybe it wasn't them teething. His smile lights up the room and I dare anyone not to smile back. David and Sophia ad...