Hello!! I have been MIA blog wise for a long time!! But I am baaaccckkk!! So it has been crazy these past few months. In January we welcomed Dante Russell. Everyone has adjusted better than ever could have been imagined. We are getting into the groove of it all and I just wanted to share something I feel need to be said. First off I'm not perfect and neither are you. I am so sorry if I am the one who had to break this news to you. But you aren't and that is OK. Don't try to be perfect either it's exhausting and wouldn't you rather spend your energy on more fun stuff?? Secondly it's ok to fail. It means you are trying. You are doing. You are motivated. It's when you stop trying that you will need someone to come along and give you a lil kick in the pants. Like one of my favorite movie characters of all time said "Just keep swimming". We are all in this race of life and sometimes we are out front really rocking this whole adulting and paren...
Hello! So being pregnant with my 4th child and having a 7 month old at home and working full time I get people asking how I do it. Like it's an option? I just do it. If I didn't do it all then who would? Does anyone have little fairies that I don't know about? Lunches need to be made, homework needs to get done, diapers changed and bottles warmed. If I don't go food shopping or school shopping then my kids would go hungry and naked. There are times when I don't think I can do it. Especially when this lil guy is out in the world needing me just as much if not more than my other three. If I am at my max with washing, cleaning, bathing, feeding, taking each from place to place and back again now how will I do it? And just like always I will power through. Fueled by caffeine, sense of humor and the love of my children. That's what it's all about. There will be bad days I'm sure. I will feel like a failure or inadequate. I will cry. Also a side n...