This is the calm before the storm. This is the night before we are back to routines, homework, projects, school lunches, book fairs, fundraisers... it's the night before the first day of school.
I was so excited to have school end last year. I worked part time so I'd have 2 extra days during the week with the kids over the summer. The excitement lasted for like a week. I am pretty sure David and Sophia woke up and had a meeting making sure that they would fight over the silliest things that woukd snowball into crying and yelling. They made sure that whatever we tried to do would be ruined by the constant tattling on each other, fighting over who would sit where and who would push the buttons. Let me just remind you because it does seem as if I am talking about toddlers but no my friends, they are 13 and almost 10. I think when puberty comes around they regress into toddlers again only to get upset and saddened over the same silly things that once bothered them as 2yr olds. So for the mommies out there that just left the toddler stage , no worries there's another stage coming up just as fun!
It was nice to be able to do stuff with them though and even if it was just hanging around. They are both at that age that any day they will no longer want to be around us and will be too cool. David is there and so most of our activities were out of state or in places his friends wouldn't be. Sounds silly I'd travel just so my son would hang out with me in public but he is my baby, my first born and that's just something I will do to be able to hang around with him still.
So back to school comes back to school shopping. It comes new teachers and new classes, new friends and new subjects that I don't understand. It's a new world for them and us as parents. Every year is met with new stages and new obstacles. New experiences and new memories. Every year gets a little crazier and with Joseph and now even another little one all of that will increase. But it will be that crazy that you can't imagine your life any other way. That craziness that at the end of the day as I fall into bed exhausted I am thankful for all of it. And so very thankful for them. It's going to go by so fast and there will be a day when it isn't crazy and I will miss it. I mean I won't miss the hard math homework but having that time with the kids where I pretend I know how to do the homework but want them to see if they can do it so they don't realize I don't have a clue, I will miss that.
Happy Back to School to everyone!
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