So being pregnant with my 4th child and having a 7 month old at home and working full time I get people asking how I do it. Like it's an option? I just do it. If I didn't do it all then who would? Does anyone have little fairies that I don't know about? Lunches need to be made, homework needs to get done, diapers changed and bottles warmed. If I don't go food shopping or school shopping then my kids would go hungry and naked.
There are times when I don't think I can do it. Especially when this lil guy is out in the world needing me just as much if not more than my other three. If I am at my max with washing, cleaning, bathing, feeding, taking each from place to place and back again now how will I do it? And just like always I will power through. Fueled by caffeine, sense of humor and the love of my children.
That's what it's all about. There will be bad days I'm sure. I will feel like a failure or inadequate. I will cry. Also a side note this pregnancy has me so emotional and it's annoying. I'm the type whatever is thrown at me bring it on and I'll power through unbothered and with a smile. Not lately, I'm an emotional mess and I cry almost everyday. Eww feelings and emotions. But anyways so yes there will be bad days and moments I will doubt myself as a mother. But then there are all those amazing moments too. When my 13 year old still gives his mom a kiss on the cheek, when my daughter says she wants to be a good mom like me, when my littlest (for now) gives me that look like I am the best ,coolest, most awesome person ever and I make everything all better but just holding him. Or when we have those family moments that we are in our own world and getting along and it's just us and some good times. It's all worth it.
I think as mom's we are just so hard on ourselves. I mean we are growing and raising people to function one day as adults which I still struggle with so it can be a bit much sometimes. And whether you are a working mom or stay at home mom, whether you have just one or a tribe of 4 like me, whether you grew your child within you or you found your way through adoption it all comes down to our love for these children and it isn't easy. There is so much mom shaming and judging when what we should be doing is supporting each other, loving each other and more importantly making each other laugh.
Laughter really is the best medicine. Sometimes you just have to laugh because if not then you just find yourself in a corner or locked in the bathroom crying and eating ores or a whole bag of chips or tub of ice cream mumbling about your failures in between bites. Sometimes you can't take yourself seriously, sometimes you have own up to the fact that you aren't perfect and I'm sorry if you are finding out right now on my blog. But you arent. No mother is. All we can do is our best. And here is another secret your best is more than enough for your kids. Your love is more than enough for your kids. They don't want a perfect mom, they want you.
Take a deep breath it is going to be ok. Your kids are going to be ok. So put on your leggings and put your hair up in a messy bun and work it Mommies of the world.
Until next time,
📷 via Scarymommy.com (that's a mommy that can keep it real and keep you laughing!)
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