Hello! So being pregnant with my 4th child and having a 7 month old at home and working full time I get people asking how I do it. Like it's an option? I just do it. If I didn't do it all then who would? Does anyone have little fairies that I don't know about? Lunches need to be made, homework needs to get done, diapers changed and bottles warmed. If I don't go food shopping or school shopping then my kids would go hungry and naked. There are times when I don't think I can do it. Especially when this lil guy is out in the world needing me just as much if not more than my other three. If I am at my max with washing, cleaning, bathing, feeding, taking each from place to place and back again now how will I do it? And just like always I will power through. Fueled by caffeine, sense of humor and the love of my children. That's what it's all about. There will be bad days I'm sure. I will feel like a failure or inadequate. I will cry. Also a side n...