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Mom Squad

I think one of if not the most important things a mother needs is other mothers in their lives. It's like we are our own breed of woman, there are things only other mothers will not only understand but will embrace and not judge you for. You have spit up on your shoulder, a non mother maybe just look at you like you are a hot mess and like you don't wash your clothes. A mother will see you and give you their scarf to cover it up. And sometimes and this just happened to me, a mother has come up to me and wiped the spit up off my back I didn't even know was there. And I didn't even know her that well. But motherhood is like a tribe of just normal women who become like super hero ninjas with special abilities. There is an understanding between us.

Mom friends are what is going to get you through motherhood without becoming a flight risk. Whether it's to make you laugh at the circus your life has become, or to listen at the newest thing your child has got stuck in their nose it is so important to have mom friends in your life. And the ultimate thing mothers need is A GIRLS NIGHT OUT....

If you are a new mom or a mother of a ton of little ones you may not know what this is or maybe it's like big foot, where you hear an awful lot about it but have never seen this urban legend. Let me tell you, they do exist.  Before you get your hopes up let me inform you of something. Planning a night out with other moms is harder to make happen than a space mission and takes more prep than planning a wedding. Trying to find that one stretch of time that everyone in your group has available is one of the hardest things I have ever encountered. It's like a math problem:
If you have 5 hours available two weeks from this Friday and Jess has 7 hours available this Friday and Jeannine has 5 hours she is able to be out but it's on a Saturday and that was last week. Now Christina and Kayla both have time on this Saturday but it's not at the same time. What year will be able to see your friends again without kids? I think my friends and I have a tenatively planned Girls Night August 2020 so we are pretty excited.

My squad of mom friends are there to make me smile when I want to cry, celebrate my victories of life with me and just always understand what I am going through and if they don't they do the nice thing and smile and nod. They are what gets me through the ups and downs of life. I don't have all the answers to motherhood and I'm going on 13 years of doing it. I don't think I'll ever have it all together and although my mom squad is filled with such amazing women and mothers they don't have all the answers either.  And that's ok and actually comforting.
Motherhood can be a scary unknown place but there are stops along the way that just leave you in awe of these little people you created. Or maybe you didn't create them but you found your way to each other. However you became a mom once you saw that face your life changed forever. And as I am beginning this journey all over again after almost a decade later I couldn't of picked better people to help me through this journey. Mom's rock, so go out and find others and lift up and support each other. Tell a mom friend she is doing a good job, because it may just be me but sometimes you just need to hear it to make you feel like you are doing ok.

Baby is crying so thats my cue to end here...
Xo Stefanie


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