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Showing posts from August, 2017

We're halfway there!

Hello! 20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go! Man this pregnancy is flying by. It seems like yesterday I shockingly saw those two lines just a few months after having Joseph. After quickly doing the math I realized I would be having another baby before my newborn turned 1. We went from a family of 4 and then less than 2 years later we would be a family of 6!! After the shock wore off I realized this would be my life of four kids, two of which are irish twins. If this baby is born less than 2 weeks before my due date they both could be born in 2017. I have embraced the crazy my life has already become. The sleepless nights that come with having a newborn have been rolled into the sleepless nights of restless legs and having to pee all the time. The tiredness of not sleeping is also the tiredness that comes with early pregnancy. If I'm nauseous that's ok because I didn't really have time to each much anyways. My wardrobe didn't change much because I was still wearing matern...

My Firstborn

Today marks my oldest child, David's, birthday. Today marks the day 13 years ago, I became a mother. He is who taught me how much love I was capable of feeling. He is the one who made me a mother and started me on this crazy journey into motherhood. It is crazy how one tiny human being can change you in so many ways and so deeply. And it's not just any birthday although every birthday is a special one but he is thirTEEN. Yes a teen. Like really? David is the one we got to experience all the firsts with. He was first born so every milestone was extra new and exciting, new uncharted territory. Including this one. I never thought he would be a teen, I mean logically yes I knew it would happen, but you never picture that little infant or toddler to ever be a teenager. David is definitely showing signs of being a teen. The boy who once just adored his parents is now suddenly embarrassed by us. He refuses to go anywhere with us that there is a slight chance he could see his fri...

6 months already!?

Hello! So something happened today. My little baby boy that I feel like just came home from the hospital is 6 months old. I'm not sure if our life is just crazier or because I'm already cooking the next one or what but this has gone by so very quickly. Joseph keeps us busy and on our toes. I feel like he came home already rolling over and wanting to just always be on the move. He is army crawling although he always starts out with good intentions on his knees. He loves sweet potatoes and bananas the most but overall is a great eater. He loves teething biscuits and just anything in his mouth. He has become very drooly so it's that waiting game where for what seems like months you think your child is getting a tooth. With my older two it felt like they came out teething only to wait months upon months of blaming everything on them teething to actually maybe it wasn't them teething. His smile lights up the room and I dare anyone not to smile back. David and Sophia ad...

Baby Bumping

Happy Weekend! It is so funny how every pregnancy and every child is so different from another. I know there are some old wives tales to gender and pregnancy but having both a girl and at this point I think im on my 3rd or 4th boy, yes 3rd boy, I feel like gender didn't have much to do with it. I felt the same exact way with one pregnancy than I did when I was pregnant with Sophia only to find out I am having a boy. Last pregnancy I was sick and nauseous and just never felt good. This one I don't even feel pregnant but I am just grumpy all the time. I'm still super happy I'm just feisty. Luckily my co-workers, family and friends understand it and plus when I get grumpy they don't take me too seriously. Kind of like a Chihuahua trying to be a German Shepard, it's cute it's trying but what is it really going to do. Pregnancy is one of those things I know what is going on and know all the medical details but it still boggles my mind. Like right now there...

Mom Squad

I think one of if not the most important things a mother needs is other mothers in their lives. It's like we are our own breed of woman, there are things only other mothers will not only understand but will embrace and not judge you for. You have spit up on your shoulder, a non mother maybe just look at you like you are a hot mess and like you don't wash your clothes. A mother will see you and give you their scarf to cover it up. And sometimes and this just happened to me, a mother has come up to me and wiped the spit up off my back I didn't even know was there. And I didn't even know her that well. But motherhood is like a tribe of just normal women who become like super hero ninjas with special abilities. There is an understanding between us. Mom friends are what is going to get you through motherhood without becoming a flight risk. Whether it's to make you laugh at the circus your life has become, or to listen at the newest thing your child has got stuck in the...


Hello! Welcome to my blog. I am Stefanie and I am a mother of 3 and I am currently expecting. I have a boy, David who is almost 13. That's a big age, because it has the word TEEN in it, so he will be a teen. Not the little baby I took home from the hospital, or the toddler that threw the tantrums, or the child that lost his two front teeth and I loved how he sounded missing them. Nope he will automatically be a teen. Which is basically a grown man. Then we have Sophia who will be 10 soon. That's two whole hands! She is the only girl and came into this world with her a head full of crazy hair and even crazier personailty. Then almost a decade later we welcomed Joseph this past February. He is worth the wait. He has a smile that lights up the world and he is just the sweetest little man ever. And if that didn't keep up busy we are expecting another boy in January. I'll pause while you do the math... actually I'll just tell you. They will be 11 months apart. That is c...